twitch reddit lol

The amount of propaganda you see from fake walkaway people isn't the same as success. ".

Again, accusations without examples.

They praise Margeret Sangor, the racist founder of Planned Parenthood. Register here, Subscribe to the Techdirt Daily newsletter. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

". Hey, at least you're no longer pretending that you're using reliable news sources any more - opinion blogs from outright white supremacists are now good enough for you. PP is in poor, minority neighborhoods to reduce minority populations, not for any kind of healthcare. Alinsky said to accuse your opponents of what you're doing while you're doing it. Twitch pointed to comments made at two rallies that led to its decision. Conservative: I have been censored for my conservative views Reddit kicked things off by announcing new content policies (which you can read here). Don't worry a few subs started posting in base64. I'm more concerned about Reddit's new anti-hate rule exception that states it doesn't protect groups of people that are in the "majority". And I fully expect that at some point a forum will be shut down by overzealous moderators. Antisocial behavior is antisocial behavior regardless of the color of your skin or your genitals. Sorry but as long as your president keeps identifying actual neo-nazis and current KKK sporting insignia as "Very Fine People" we'll need something more than a few stories about what a few democrats did in 1960 before we accept you as anything other than just a clown pretending the GOP isn't filled with racist lackwits. These reddit forums were banned because reddit disagreed with the community.

So I think we all know what bias the platform has. Watch and chat now with millions of other fans from around the world We banned r/The_Donald because it has not done so, despite every opportunity. The Dems try to hide it, but their racism is still on full display.

Comedians, late night hosts, actors and even the Governor of Virginia. You mean... that when people found a site's policies not to their taste, they set up their own alternative site rather than demanding that their original choice bowed to their commands? Enter the email address you used for registration. Is he going to claim insurance in a few years when the oceans rise or does he not believe they will? You're also conflating protesters wanting the police defunded with politicians who aren't saying the same thing. It is far, far worse. Of course not, you guys always refuse to provide them, because you secretly know exactly why your friends are being banned. Why is it that a rally called Unite the Right featured confederate and Nazi flags? "I can't even taste the air up here." You've been asked many times for examples to prove this wrong, but you refuse to provide any. "Hop on, lice." But Parler seems to think that's not allowed (even though it doesn't say that in its rules). In the latter case, responding with "all lives matter" makes you a dick. I dont know. I'm sure people will cherry pick some examples of "leftist" stuff that got banned as if that's proof of some kind of complete balance in enforcement. No idea if this is the case though as I don't pay attention to that sub and the Internet Archive doesn't seem to work with quarantined subreddits. "Hey, what did I step in?" Tell me that my dick makes me a horrible human being. The fact that the alt-right subs were also more inclined to break the rules and deserve to be banned will be ignored when the alt-righties whine about bias. He didn't violate any law. One person bullying and hate is another’s not pampering the smooth bottom of a precious right wing snow flake. How about Bernie getting his 3rd house after dropping out of the last election? The Lincoln Project is counteracting walkaway, if the was even actually an effect to counteract. Though smaller, r/ChapoTrapHouse was banned for similar reasons: They consistently host rule-breaking content and their mods have demonstrated no intention of reining in their community.

The key change was an expanded rule against communities that "promote hate based on identity or vulnerability.". 63% of African American voters in Virginia voted for Northam after the scandal. You're just using the term to describe things you don't like. Jews, the KKK, and christians all agree: shitting on the first amendment is a requirement of US citizenship! Margaret Sanger wasn't racist.

However, the influence of conservatives in Texas over textbooks is tangible. Although, the context of using that quote definitely was in advocacy of shooting back at violent cops.

So the narrative doesn't really seem hold that it is the conservatives that are racists. We work hard every day to put quality content out there for our community. Oh, and suddenly she doesn't like peaceful protests when they come to her neighborhood. Yup, now if you could actually demonstrate that that's what happened that might be a relevant point. In Stone's case, what he actually did was call out a very specific group as being deserving of shit. You know, the KKK leader and the self-proclaimed Nazi who coined the term "alt right" because he correctly determined that usual white supremacist terms were unpopular. Last week, it amassed more than 47M hours watched, which marks a slight increase from last week.

Championship Series Season X. But in pulling down these accounts, a bunch of other people will now be furious as well.

Its funny, for all the name calling the left does to the right, racist and others, they never produced actual evidence of anything.

A win by the Dems this year will end any chance we have of it happening again. The accusers do not want a rational discussion.

News at 11. Actually, Conservatives understand that very well. The leftist deserve it as they are the cause of it.

The left just will not come to the table and address the issues. Now for a global website, that's a peculiar statement to make.

It's clear as day the statement is U.S.-focused and "majority" will exclusively apply to gender and racial lines, meaning the rule says it's a-okay to hate on the majority of the site's users based on their immutable physical attributes. Of course, because content moderation at scale is impossible to do well, I've already seen plenty of complaints about other Reddit forums that the site failed to take down. Irony, or are you just that stupid? "Have you met my fleas?"

I mean other than the fact that it overturns the idiotic narrative that you are so desperately trying and failing to spin. ...and then, in 1950, Roosevelt ran with his 'New Deal' and 'Affirmative Action' programmes and the racists all moved from the democrats to the republicans while every moderate conservative among the republicans moved to the democrats. Or is it more sinister? Meanwhile, over on the Twitch side, the site has been coming under increasing attacks for enabling a lot of harassment. That is no coincidence. Pick "What doesn't kill you just isn't finished yet." Why is it leftists that are all caught up in black face scandals? Was that an accident? But you won't because it will cause you to think something leftist sheeple refuse to do. You know what I’ll do? He said Obama was articulate and clean and good looking. It will be a sad day for this country if he does. With so many things competing for everyone’s attention these days, we really appreciate you giving us your time.

They then spent the next 100 years fighting equal rights. Bullying and hate is wrong regardless of what the target looks like. But unfortunately it brings down he conservatives as well. SO will whites be protected in places where they are a minority? The people who came up with that term were smart enough to understand that the usual white supremacist labels didn't work any more, but not smart enough to realise that it was the ideology and not the labels that was the problem. But no, the racists Dems don't mind electing racists to office. I'll be you're too dumb to understand that those are not the same group of people. Call me a privileged cis shitlord all the live-long day. It's also why the democrats of today have such a wide tent. Con: Oh, you know the ones, (All credit to Twitter user @ndrew_lawrence.

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twitch reddit lol

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