mms for arthritis

Up until this point whenever I walked the joints in my toes would click. At this time the forumla was MMS and 50% Citric Acid - which has now been replaced with Hydroclaric Acid. Now I feel much better than before. So I'm sure I could have picked up a lot of different kinds of parasites. I keep this sacrament in my home for all ailments., Joint pain in fingers and in right big toe, MMS testimonial - lyme disease rheumatoid arthritis, MRSA (Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus). Took me 2 years of trial and error to find find anything more natural that helped - first was the herb Cat's Claw from Peru - that helped a lot but once you stopped taking it the pains came back. It really works. My HPV disappeared and the atherosclerosis of the aorta was gone. IT IS WONDERFUL TO BE PAIN FREE. [link to] He started taking 1 drop of MMS four times a day. At 10 drops I got severe diarreha and had to stop for a while and then maintained a dosis under 10 drops. All though it made my situation a little bit better the 3 x 15 drops a day did not completely rid me of the pain in my heels, knees and elbow. Before MMS I couldn't leave the house without sunscreen in summer. I know now that it's best to eat some food and wait about an hour before taking MMS. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Could it be that littler critters (bacteria, spirochetes) were killed by the immune system using the Miracle Mineral Supplement?

It continued to get more painful to move and the muscles drew up so that she couldn’t move much anyway.Her hands started to resemble birds’ claws and she could not use them. To my amazment, the arthritis in my left wrist and hand has disappeared. She said that she would keep them and that if anyone ever wanted to ask her about her experience she would be happy to show them.She left walking normally without even a limp.

CDS made me and still do make me 100% pain free. i started giving her protocol 1000 and after 8 days her articular pains demenish about 90 % we are still working with the pain on her foot. Dont ask me how it works because I don't know , and by all accounts it shouldn't work....... but it does.... Any medication will hurt or kill you in large amounts and people that commit suicide take pills to kill them selves all the time....... MMS is no different , but take your meds in the correct way and they can definately help you...... as can MMS , I'm certain of that now . But from everything I read I heard you'd feel worse before you got better. She was carrying a large envelop which I recognized as such an envelope that would have x-rays and other records. When I was 7 years old I had my tonsils removed because they were always getting infected. I had more energy and my brain fog was gone. Thank you Lord. Through prayer i was guided to take MMS. I have been taking responsibility for my health and the health of my loved ones by acting as a sovereign human being for many years now. Have had rheumatoid arthritis for 30 years. I asked her what the pain was like 3 weeks ago out of 10. You and your family will surely need and be helped by MMS in future.

I could walk without feeling pain AT ALL. Well, she worked up to 7 drops only, but in one month she was back on her feet, walking normally, and when she walked into our house here no one would have imagined that she had been in bed for 8 years.She looked very good. I followed protocol 1000 religiously, with NO change in diet, and in fact drinking BEER once in a while. Parasite? The Dr. said her cartlidge was fine so knee replacement surgery was not the answer. I now make CDS with this protocol: My parents although in there 70's are very active.. they work, hike, ride bikes and even play basketball with my boys, their grandchildren. Really nice people there. The next day he took 2 drops four times a day, then 3 drops X four times and by the time he was on the 5th day -- he was taking 5 drops X four times a day. Look also into boron - there seems to be a connection between boron deficiency and arthritis. Now I'm pain free and my joints don't click when I move. Tom, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, gout, degenerative disc disease and HPV.

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mms for arthritis

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